She brings the sunshine to a rainy afternoon.She puts the sweetness in and stirs it with a spoon.She watches for my moods and never brings me down.She puts the sweetness in all around.She knows just what to say.To make me feel so good inside.And when I'm all alone.I feel I don't want to hide, hide, hide.大家都去听一下YES的Sweetness叭
看到豆瓣上的评价还不错抱着很大的希望看的结果大跌眼镜情节混乱一塌糊涂SAM怎么就成同性恋了他做的很多事still love you都是莫名其妙的情节向前推进的很牵强总之导演、剪辑、编剧都很低水平~~